Madison Annis


Madison Annis

My Work




Basic Editing

Basic Editing

Production 1
Filming and Editing
Due – 9/19/24
Submitted 9/17/24
Materials: DSLR Camera and Premiere pro
For this project our goal was to record clips following the shots and angles given to us. I did my filming in the hallway. This was my second attempt at the filming for better angles and focus. I feel my shots in the original were better but the clips were way to dark so i needed to reshoot. The filming aspect was fun and I enjoyed getting the different angles and shots. I am still not very strong at directing people and storytelling, I feel that storytelling is what I struggle with the most but it was slightly easier for this project, along with that I wish I had more interaction between characters and the object. I do struggle with keeping in focus throughout the shooting process. Shooting video has always been a struggle due to the focus, photography is simple to me, and I know how to use the camera, its the videography that I struggle with, shaking and keeping focus, even when on the tripod. The editing portion was easy for me, I edit videos in premiere for my job, I do wish I had gotten better angles, smoother transitions and kept the focus throughout.